2 nov 2012

Las cosas más difíciles son las que mas se valoran...

"Do it, or don't, but don't try it"
You can think life doesn't offer you second chances, it seems that I got one, I got a second chance to realize that love does exists, that the feeling of being faithful for someone can be real, that the desire to be with that person is stronger than any other feeling...

I'm kind of living some karma bulls**t, I'm kind of living everything that I did before, I'm kind of living, living and loving...

One more time, I dared to live the impossible, I dared to chase a dream, I dared to make you fall in love with me, I'm triyng, and making everything I can so I can be with you. Like other times, it began with something innocent, it began with a coffee, with a smile, with a gift... Since the day you gave me the coffee I feel somenthing different, like Santana would say, that exchange of energy that made me think in you like something else, in a different way; as usual, I was very kind with you, I tried to be around you, to know more about you, to know your interest until one day, you said: "We should watch movies together in your new 3D screen" That night I was thinking so much of that, I was thinking what would it happen if I would invite you to come over my place, what would I do, would I dare to make a move?

I was expecting that day, sunday 5th of august, I was waiting to the moment to come back home so I can see you, so I can be with you, that night, while we were watching movies, I was touching your skin, anything that I could reach, whatever I can, then I stopped, then I did it again, and it seemed that you were comfortable with me doing that. That night, we stayed in my living room, each of us in a different sofa, and something really beautiful happened: We fall asleep with our hands interwined, giving that I was doing some tender caress on them.

Tuesday, I just to loved tuesdays until I met you... However, next tuesday you came over again, we watched movies as we did the first time, I was doing some caress on your skin, my body was reacting to it and my emotions were up in the sky and we were very careful so my roomie couldn't see anything. That night was different, we got my room just for us, I was so excited, I knew that a milestone was going to come.

We laid on the bed, we hugged, but I was risky, I was really nervous but being so me, I dared to make a move, while I was hugging you I was kind of rubbing your skin until my body temperature rised, I kind of turn to you, facing you and I began to kiss your neck, I felt you, I felt the way you shivered, I felt the way you hesitate, and I felt the way you let it go... We did not kiss, you stopped me, you kind of freak about it and I decided to leave it; later on the early morning, I felt your skin boiling, I felt the way you were and I hugged you and then I touched your breasts, and we were rocking our bodies and I was just thinking "Oh My God, I can't believe this is happening".

After that day, we went trough a process, we were talking about what was going on, about what would be the best decision to make, about you not being gay, about me being bisexual...

And now, here I am, in your place, watching you smile, staring at your eyes, thinking of how much I wanted to kiss you, to hug you, to sleep with you while we hug...

I'm in love with you, I'm in love with who you are, with your fears, with your doubts, with your hesitations, with your jealous, with your tantrum, with your trying to push me away, so you cannot face this new stage in your life...

I'm fighting, cos you know, you worth it...

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